The difference between MUST and HAVE TO

Difference between must and have to

The difference between MUST and HAVE TO In this complete tutorial for beginners’ learners are going to learn the difference between “must” vs “have to”, so we’re comparing “must” with “have to”. Let’s look at these 2 example sentences: I have to hand in reports every week. I must buy some mangoes. “have to” and … Read more

Irregular Nouns in Plural Form / English Grammar Rules

Irregular Nouns In the Plural

Irregular Nouns in the Plural / English Grammar Forming Rules What are Irregular Plural Nouns? Irregular plural nouns are irregular nouns in plural form.  An irregular noun becomes plural by changing its spelling in other ways than adding an “s” or “es” to the end of the word. This change can happen in different ways. … Read more

English nouns that only have a plural

English Nouns that only have a plural

English nouns that only have a plural In this complete tutorial for beginners’ learners are going to learn English nouns that only have a plural. They exist only in the plural and these do not have a singular form. We use them with plural verbs and plural pronouns; for example: My trousers are dirty. I need to wash them. We cannot … Read more

Present Continuous Verb / Present Progressive Verb / English Present Tense

Present Continuous Verb Present Progressive Verb English Present Tense

Present Continuous Verb / Present Progressive Verb / English Present Tense In this complete tutorial for beginners’ learners are going to learn Present Continuous Verb also called Present Progressive Verb / English Present Tense. The present continuous tense is used for actions happening now or for an action that is unfinished. This tense is also … Read more