The Fox And The Monkey Story With Moral Lesson And Summary

The Fox And The Monkey – This article will tell you the story of the fox and the monkey on Aesop’s fables summary and a moral lesson in English. What are the fox and the monkey in the fable making use of their time? Also, what is the moral lesson of the story?

Here, we give you an inspiring moral story for kids. This would be one of the best moral stories for kids as they love animals. Most stories for children like this serve as a foundation for learning and ethical lessons.

Fables, like this one, are typical stories about animals that convey moral lessons for you and your kids. We have therefore prepared a variety of fable stories that you can read and share with your loved ones.

Stories for kids like this are best designed to engage learners in reading. This exhibits the morality of animals as it illustrates the ways of animals. You may now explore the beautiful fable story by Aesop.

SEE ALSO: 140+ Best Aesop’s Fables Story Examples With Moral And Summary

The Fox and The Monkey Story With Moral Lesson And Summary
The Fox and The Monkey Story With Moral Lesson And Summary

Who is Aesop?

Before exactly reading the story, let us know a little about the author first.

Aesop is a Greek fabulist and storyteller credited with several fables now collectively known as Aesop’s Fables.

Now, enjoy reading Aesop’s story with understanding and an open mind.

The Fox And The Monkey

At a great meeting of the Animals, who had gathered pretend to elect a new ruler, the Monkey was asked to dance. This he did so well, with a thousand funny capers and grimaces, that the Animals were carried entirely off their feet with enthusiasm, and then and there, elected him their king.

The Fox did not vote for the Monkey and was much disgusted with the Animals for electing so unworthy ruler.

One day he found a trap with a bit of meat in it. Hurrying to King Monkey, he told him he had found a rich treasure, which he had not touched because it belonged by right to his majesty the Monkey.

The greedy Monkey followed him to the trap. As soon as he saw the meat he grasped eagerly for it, only to find himself held fast in the trap. The Fox stood off and laughed.

“You pretend to be our king,” accused the fox “and cannot even take care of yourself!”

Shortly after that, another election among the Animals was held.

The fable, “The Fox And The Monkey,” is from

Story Analysis of The Fox And The Monkey

What is the title of the story?The title of the story is “The Fox And The Monkey“.
Who are the characters of the story?The characters of the story are the fox and the monkey.
What is the theme of the story?The theme of the story is true leaders.
What is the setting of the story?The setting of the story is one day in the forest.
What is the moral of the story?The moral of the story is the true leader proves himself by his qualities.
Who is the author of the story?The author of the story is Aesop.
Story Analysis

The Fox And The Monkey Moral Lesson

  • The true leader proves himself by his qualities.
  • Those who lack self-control should not be trusted with the control of those around them.
  • A ruler needs many talents.
  • In order to be a true leader, one must not just seek consensus, but also mold it.

The Fox And The Monkey Summary

An unqualified Monkey became king. A Fox tricked the Monkey into a trap. Monkey asked the Fox how he could do such a thing. Fox said he should have known.

Summary from

What is the Solution of the Story “The Fox And The Monkey“?

Later in the story, being a leader is rational and wise in thinking, you shouldn’t think of yourself first. Just like the monkey who is the newly elected leader was caught in the trap by the fox because of his greediness.

Certainly, a good leader must prove himself through his qualities.

More Lessons for Children

Aside from Aesop’s fable story in English, here are more lessons for yourself and your children.


We hope you have gained more lessons in this post, “The Fox And The Monkey Story With Moral Lesson And Summary.” Let us know what you think about this post by leaving a comment below.

Thanks for reading. God bless

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