Verbs and Adverbs | Parts of Speech in English Grammar

Verbs and Adverbs | Parts of Speech in English Grammar

The Objectives of this Verbs and Adverbs | Parts of Speech in English Grammar lesson is to help students understand and identify verbs and adverbs in sentences.

Before we further proceed, please watch the video here to see the actual class discussion about Verbs and Adverbs | Parts of Speech in English Grammar.


A. Here is a poem for you to read.

B. What does the fox do? How does it do it?

A verb is a doing word. It shows the action.

The fox runs.

We cook food.

An adverb tells us more about the verb.

It tells us how the action takes place.

runs quickly

appear unexpectedly

An adverb tells us:

how the action takes place                          slowly, boldly, blindly

when the action takes place                       yesterday, now, lately

where the action takes place                      here, inside, there

There you go, I hope you understand and enjoy this short lesson about Verbs and Adverbs | Parts of Speech in English Grammar.

Downloadable files

Download the PowerPoint Presentation and Word file used in this English tutorial for beginners Verbs and Adverbs | Parts of Speech in English Grammar

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