In this starter pack tutorial for beginners, learners will be able to learn the concept of “ VERBS – “HAS”, “HAVE” AND “HAD”. How to formally used the “VERBS – “HAS”, “HAVE” AND “HAD” specially used to making the ‘perfect tense’.

The verbs “has”, “have” and “had” can all be used to show that a person, animal, object or place possesses something.

a. ”Has” is in the present tense and is used with singular subject.


Ben has two sisters.

A horse has a tail.

The house has two large doors.

b. “Have” is also in the present tense and is used with a plural subject.


The soldiers have few rifles.

The houses have bigger gardens.

The children have three story books each.

c. “Had” is in the past tense and maybe used with singular and plural subjects.


Joel had a bicycle.

Ron and Bert had bicycles too.

Lily had a pretty doll.

Cassie and Susie had a pretty dolls too.

The library had many interesting books.

Community clubs had many interesting books too.

Practice exercise:

A. Underline the correct answers.

1. A motorcycle (has, have) two wheels.

2. I (has, have) many friends.

3. A spider (has, have) eight legs.

4. This book (has, have) many pages.

5. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (has, have) a son.

6. Penguins (has, have) wings but they can not fly.

7. Anne (has, have) curly hair.

8. Keith and his friend (has, have) short hair.

9. A rambutan (has, have) only one seed.

10.Vic (has, have) a set of beautiful teeth.

B. Fill in each blank with the help of the words in the box.

1. We _________ a huge teddy bear when we were younger.

2. A crab _________ ten legs.

3. My colleague and I _________ a set of keys to the office.

4. Peacocks_________ colorful feathers.

5. Melissa _________ a new computer.

6. Dave is happy because he _________ a new bicycle.

7. Do you _________ a pen?

8. Sandy _________ a beautiful painting in her room when she was five years old.

9. A tiger _________ a stripes on its body.

10. They _________ a bungalow at the beach. They go there every weekend.


A. 1. has  2. Have 3. Has 4. Has 5. have  6. Have 7. Has 8. have 9. Has 10. has

B. 1. have 2. has 3. have 4. have 5. has 6. has 7. have 8. has 9. has 10. Have

Downloadable files

Download the PowerPoint Presentation used in this English tutorial for beginners VERBS – “HAS”, “HAVE” AND “HAD” & VERBS – “HAS”, “HAVE” AND “HAD”VERBS Part 2: Practice Exercise

For more readings

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