Different Kinds of Context Clues

Different Kinds of Context Clues

In this beginner’s tutorial, learners will be able to learn what the Different Kinds of Context Clues and determined the meaning of unknown vocabulary.

The purpose of this lesson is to Increase students’ comprehension by the use of context clues.

I. Objectives

Students will be able to:

1. Use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown vocabulary

2. Generate ideas for writing from discussion

3. Create transparencies, working in groups and presenting to the class

II. Subject matter: Different Kinds of Context Clues

Materials Types of Context Clues graphic organizer

List of vocabulary words

Multiple transparencies of Types of Context Clues graphic organizer

Transparency markers

III. Procedure/ Activities

A. Warm Up

On the board, write two sentences that each includes an unknown vocabulary word and a context clue. Underline the unknown words.

Ask students to give predictions to the meaning of the words.

Direct Instruction

Explain that these predictions were made based on the use of context clues. 

Distribute the Types of Context Clues graphic organizer to each student and place a transparency of the same graphic organizer on the overhead. Explain that there are four main types of context clues and write an example of each, modeling how to create context clues. Students copy examples on to their graphic organizers.


Place students in groups of 2-3 with varying levels of ability in each group. Assign each group a set of four different vocabulary words from a recently discussed piece of literature from their textbook. 

Give each group a transparency of the Types of Context Cluesgraphic organizer and a transparency marker. Using the glossary in the textbook, groups locate the definition for each word and then create sentences on the graphic organizer. Each word should be used in a sentence and each of the four types of context clues should be attempted.


Each group places its transparency on the overhead and reads each sentence to the class, allowing the other students to raise their hands and make predictions of the words’ definitions based on the student-generated context clues. (With each group having a list of four different words, the class will easily be able to generate definitions for an entire list of words, used in context.)


Inform students that determining the meaning of a word through a context clue is an easy way to help with comprehension. If a student is able to create context clues in his or her writing, identifying context clues in an author’s writing will be simple. This skill can be especially helpful while reading science and social studies texts.

Hints About Meanings of New Words

Teach students to figure out unfamiliar words using context clues. Cut down on questions for teacher and the use of dictionaries to find word meaning.

Students will read faster and with better comprehension when they learn how to find word meaning independently. While there will always be a need for a dictionary and help from the teacher, students will become better readers when they learn how to unlock word meaning using context clues.


  • paper
  • textbooks
  • teacher made copies with two or three paragraphs
  • pencils

Context Clues Lesson Plan Objectives

  • Students identify context clues, i.e. synonyms, antonyms ,restatements, definitions, examples
  • Students use context clues to find the meanings of new words

Hints About Meanings of New Words

Tell students that they are going to be word detectives. Explain that when they come to a new word in their reading the first thing they should do is decide whether they have to know the word in order to get the meaning of the paragraph. As word detectives they may not have a case. If they can understand the meaning of the story or article without knowing a certain word, it’s okay to skip over that word and keep reading.

Tell them there is a way for word detectives to find the meaning of new words by themselves. Authors sometimes give clues called context clues. Context clues are hints that help readers discover the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Different Kinds of Context Clues

Explain that context clues are words that come before or after the new word and that there are several different kinds of context clues. Write these words on the dry erase board, saying them and reviewing their meanings as you write.

  1. definition
  2. synonym
  3. antonym
  4. example
  5. explanation

Write these sentences on the dry erase board, underlining the unfamiliar words. Do not write the answers in parentheses.

The joey, which is a baby kangaroo, peeked out of his mother’s pocket. (definition)

The beach was covered with debris like paper and cans, and the children picked up all the trash. (synonym)

The ancient dress looked like new after she washed it. (antonym)

Every day he brought a delectable, delicious, wonderful, yummy lunch to school. (example)

My mother used to pull across the bay to catch flounder. Pull is a word that is sometimes used to mean row. (explanation)

Ask students to identify the meaning of each new word and tell which kind of context clue the author used to unlock the word’s meaning. Write the correct answers after each sentence.

Hints Around Unfamiliar Word

Give each student a copy of a worksheet with two or three paragraphs. The worksheet should have several nonsense words like gluck, silubble, and crange in place of some of the words. Place context clues before or after the nonsense words to help the students guess their meaning.

Form groups of four and tell students to work together to guess the meanings of the unfamiliar words. Tell them to work together and write the meaning of each nonsense word and the context clue that helped them. When all the groups have completed the activity, have them share their work with the class.

When readers have to stop reading to ask the teacher for word meaning or use the dictionary, the flow of reading comprehension is interrupted and sometimes lost. When students learn to skip over words that are not important and to figure out words on their own using context clues, they are better able to comprehend what they are reading.

Context Clues: Example Sentences

1. Projectiles include those items that are shot forward such as a cannon shell, bullet or rocket.

Using the example clue, the word projectiles in this sentence means

a. things put down                               c. things hurt

b. things shot forward                        d. things broken

2. The professor was a favorite among the students at the college. His sagacity was helpful to them as they pursued their degrees. The professor was known to use his experience, insight and common sense to help students pursue their education.

Using the example clue, the word sagacity in this sentence means

a. silliness                                           c. wisdom

b. thoughtfulness                              d. negligence

3. Famous conquistadors include Cortes, who conquered Aztec Mexico and Pizarro, who conquered Inca Peru.

Using the example clue, the word conquistadors in this sentence means

a. geographers                                   c. victims

b. losers                                              d. conquerors

4. A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes, can be very helpful in solving crimes.

Using the example clue, the word sleuth in this sentence means

a. senior citizen                                c. pilot

b. man                                                d. detective

5. Zack was a good at many sports. He exalted in swimming, running, horsemanship, fencing and target shooting. He decided to compete in the pentathlon rather than having to choose one of the events.

Using the example clue, the word pentathlon in this sentence means

a. competition with two events             c. competition with ten events

b. competition with eight events           d. competition with five events

Context Clues: Explanations

1. Katie appeared infallible in math class because she had never gotten a problem wrong.

Using the explanation clue, the word infallible in this sentence means

a. never wrong                                   c.  wrong

c. mistaken                                          d. incorrect

2. The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left standing

Using the explanation clue, the word annihilated in this sentence means

a. destroyed                                       c. created

b. saved                                              d. constructed

3. We could tell by the rotten smell, that something putrid was in our trash can.

Using the explanation clue, the word putrid in this sentence means

a. ample                                             c. rotten

b. alive                                               d. appealing

4. Phyllis felt elated when she won the race.

Using the explanation clue, the word elated in this sentence means

a. sick                                                 c. tired

b. miserable                                      d. happy

5. The insidious burglar was able to sneak into the house without being heard or seen.

Using the explanation clue, the word insidious in this sentence means

a. strong                                             c. clumsy

b. loud                                                d. sneaky

6. The voters were so upset about the outcome of the election that a skirmish broke out and the police had to break it up.

Using the explanation clue, the word skirmish in this sentence means

a. fight                                               c. hurricane

b. sunshine                                       d. creature

Context Clues: Synonyms

1. The book of logic contained many conundrums – mind-exercising puzzles.

Using the synonym clue, the word conundrums in this sentence means

a. pictures                                 c. answers

b. stories                                   d. puzzles

2. Jackie was filled with mortification, or shame, because of her careless remark.

Using the synonym clue, the word mortification in this sentence means

a. proud                                    c. confident

b. shame                                   d. happy

3. His rancor, or hatred, of his brother has caused him to live his life as a lonely person.

Using the synonym clue, the word rancor in this sentence means

a. love                                       c. tolerance

b. generous                             d. hatred

4. The events for the conference were listed in chronological order. They began with the first event of the day and ended with the closing ceremonies in the evening.

Using the synonym clue, the word chronological in this sentence means

a. out of order                         c. messed up
b. broken                                  d. in order

5. There was crazy pandemonium as people were trying to leave the rock concert.

Using the synonym clue, the word pandemonium in this sentence means

a. silence                                   c. order

b. craziness or chaos              d. peace

6. The man was sent to the penitentiary, or prison, for stealing cars.

Using the synonym clue, the word penitentiary in this sentence means

a. paradise                                 c. prison

b. hotel                                     d. heaven

Context Clues: Antonyms

1. Although Tom was anxious about the test, Tina was not worried at all.

Using the antonym clue, the word anxious in this sentence means

A. forgetful                                                    C. worried

B. calm                                                           D. not worried

2. Two new girls started school this week. Beth has a gregarious personality. Jenna is rather quiet.

Using the antonym clue, the word gregarious in this sentence means

A. shy                                                   C. bashful

B. timid                                               D. outgoing

3. If you don’t conquer your fears, they will beat you.

Using the antonym clue, the word conquer in this sentence means

A. lose                                                  B. win

C. talk about                                       D. forget

4. While Lily was careful not to be seen as she peeked out the window, Phil was not as cautious and was seen!

Using the antonym clue, the word cautious in this sentence means

A. careful                                                        B. not careful

C. risky                                                           D. trouble

5. Although the princess is familiar to those in London, she is unknown to the rest of the world.

Using the antonym clue, the word familiar in this sentence means

A. pretty                                             C. smart

B. old                                                  D. well-known

6. Although Mary was willing to play in the snow, Jack was reluctant because he was so cold.

Using the antonym clue, the word reluctant in this sentence means
A. ready                                                         C. not willing

B. willing                                                        D. excited

Context Clues: Comparison Clues

1. The girls languidly put on their jackets as if they had no energy at all.

Using the comparison clue, the word languidly in this sentence means

A. energetically                                            C. quickly

B. energy-less                                               D. actively

2. The mother was determined to prove her son’s innocence; the father was resolute as well.

Using the comparison clue, the word resolute in this sentence means

A. wavering                                          C. determined

B. not determined                                D. unsure

3. Some people feel perplexed by brain teasers, while others figure them out quickly.

Using the comparison clue, the word perplexed in this sentence means

A. troubled or confused                             C. at ease

B. calm                                                           D. relaxed

4. After being unable to get a good night’s sleep for many days, Allyson became lethargic. She didn’t have the energy to get out of bed.

Using the comparison clue, the word lethargic in this sentence means

A. active                                               C. bubbly

B. exhausted                                        D. lively

5. Instead of climbing into bed, she decided to take a nap on the chaise.

Using the comparison clue, the word chaise in this sentence means

A. sleeping bag                                    C. chair

B. bed-like furniture                           D. floor

6. The unsubstantial story was as if she were retelling a dream.

Using the comparison clue, the word unsubstantial in this sentence means

A. realistic                                           C. true

B. unreal

Context Clues: Contrast Clues

1. Johnny was besotted in not checking the depth of the water before he jumped in, but it was a good thing that his father was wise and checked it first.

Using the contrast clue, the word besotted in this sentence means

a. decent                                             c. foolish

b. unaware                                          d. incomplete

2. Brad made a cursory effort to finish his homework. This was unlike him; usually he worked hard to finish before dinner.

Using the contrast clue, the word cursory in this sentence means

a. insincere                                         c. valid
b. genuine                                           d. actual

3. I thought the painting of the waves crashing into the shore was very picturesque, but I thought the one next to it was quite ugly.

Using the contrast clue, the word picturesque in this sentence means

a. attractive                                       c. colorful

b. large                                               d. soothing

4. The omnipotent superhero always won his battles, unlike his weak opponents.

Using the contrast clue, the word omnipotent in this sentence means

a. almighty or all powerful                    c. powerless

b. weak

5. After being ill and unable to eat for three days, Beverly had a voracious appetite.

Using the contrast clue, the word voracious in this sentence means

a. satisfied                                          c. small

b. quenched                                       d. big

6. We were all pretty apathetic in the movie about animals, but we became interested when it started showing all the tricks dogs could do.

Using the contrast clue, the word apathetic in this sentence means

a. gracious                                          c. uninterested

b. angry                                              d. sleepy

Context Clues

1. The diamond ring was radiantly shining on her finger.

Using the synonym clue, the word radiantly in this sentence means

a. brightly                                           c. hardly

b. really                                              d. barely

2. We shopped at the emporium, which is as large as the shopping center, for shampoo and bath soap.

Using the comparison clue, the word emporium in this sentence means

a. amusement park                               c. large store

b. bathroom                                        d. library

3. The saturated, dripping dog ran in the house after swimming in the lake.

Using the synonym clue, the word saturated in this sentence means

a. wet                                                 c. dirty

b. old                                                 d. smelly

4. In the pirate story, there were the good guys against the buccaneers.

Using the contrast clue, the word buccaneers in this sentence means

a. actors                                             c. teachers

b. pirates                                            d. helpers

5. An evanescent ring surrounded the moon as it rose. It was there for a moment, and then it disappeared.

Using the explanation clue, the word evanescent in this sentence means

a. full                                                  c. brief

b. ongoing                                          d. bright

6. The sun made the lake water shimmer.

Using the explanation clue, the word shimmer in this sentence means

a. dirty                                               c. dark

b. dull                                                 d. sparkle or shine

Context Clues

1. My younger sister can be an irritating nuisance when I am doing my homework.

In this sentence, the word nuisance means

a. help                                                c. pleasure

b. annoyance                                    d. delight

2. Melissa sauntered over to our table while Cheryl hurried over.

In this sentence, the word sauntered means

a. walked in a slow, easy way                c. beat rapidly

b. hurried                                            d. ran

3. We should be careful not to ostracize those who are different from us. It is much better for all if we are welcoming to everyone.

In this sentence, the word ostracize means

a. embrace                                          c. exclude

b. welcome                                         d. include

4. The artist was very careful and exact as he meticulously painted the portrait.

In this sentence, the word meticulously means

a. hurriedly                                                    c. precise or detailed

b. careless                                                      d. sloppy

5. The insidious burglar was able to sneak into the house without being heard or seen.

In this sentence, the word insidious means

a. sneaky                                            c. strong

b. clumsy                                            d. loud

6. The twins were both crying at the same time so Mom tried to soothe one while Dad tried to mollify the other.

In this sentence, the word mollify means

a. soothe                                            c. make sad

b. worry                                            d. upset

7. The sight of the ominous clouds told us that clear weather was far from our area.

In this sentence, the word ominous means

a. stormy or dark                                         c. clear

b. bright                                                         d. fluffy

Context Clues

1. There were many diminutive items in the dollhouse including tiny chairs, petite beds, and little pictures.




2. The list comprise of seven rules, but talking while your mouth is open is not included.




3. The United States has gained great prosperity. However, she still needs to find solutions for many poor citizens.




4. The lawyer had tangible evidence, such as a hammer, a car, and keys, to show that the person stole the car.



          clues: __________________________________________________________

5. After Julius Caesar was assassinated, a triumvirate ruled Rome. The three men in charge were Octavian, Mark Antony, and Marcus Lepidus. It was felt that this was best for Rome because the people did not want a dictator or emperor.



clues: ____________________________________________________________


1. Hospitals can be inundated with emergencies on the weekends. It seems that most serious injuries happen during that time. Maybe it’s because people have more free time on the weekend, so they do things to hurt themselves. If you ever need to go to the emergency room on a Saturday night, you may want to plan on still being there on Sunday morning.



clues: ______________________________________



2. Whenever we have a party, Ashley is the first person on the list. Her vivacious personality is contagious. She is so full of life; a party is always a success with her in attendance.



clues: _________________________________________



3. The fact that we had a campfire here last night was quite palpable. You could still see the ashes and smell the remnants of the fire. All that was missing was the heat and the sound.



clues: _________________________________________



Write the meaning and give another word


Although we could hear the crickets chirping, the night was serene. Camping has always been one of our family’s favorite events. We love to be outdoors enjoying nature. If you’ve never tried camping before, you should try it. You just might like it.

1.  What does the word serene mean?


2. What is another word that means the same thing as serene?


Adam decided to try out for the talent show at school. He practiced his stand-up comedy routine for hours each evening. At the tryouts, he followed a boy whose banal jokes left the judges yawning. Adam’s hilarious routine landed him the part.

3. What does the word banal mean?


4. What is another word that means the same thing as banal?


My favorite room in our house is the solarium. The light can enter from all directions through the windows. It is the warmest room in our house. My dog spends a lot of time lying in there when the sun is shining.

5. What does the word solarium mean?


6. What is another word that means the same thing as solarium?


Write the meaning and give another word


1. As I walked past several rows and back toward the aft part of the airplane, a sudden fear came over me. I sat down in my seat, but the feeling wouldn’t go away. Just seconds before the flight attendant was to close the entry door, I walked off the plane. The next day, I saw in the paper that the airplane I was on had crashed into a field in Missouri.

Write a synonym and a definition for the word aft.

Synonym:                                           Definition:

_____________________                    _____________________

2. It was dubious to us exactly what Mr. Waynewright was telling us. He would talk about the need for more computers, but then say that we had too many computers. I’m not exactly sure what we need, but I don’t think he is either.

Write a synonym and a definition for the word dubious.

Synonym:                                           Definition:

_____________________                    ______________________                           

3. Keith and his friend were watching a dramatic movie. In the film, the bad guy was trying to obliterate the world. Then there would be no Earth left. It was a good thing the police caught him and saved the world.

Write a synonym and a definition for the word obliterate.

Synonym:                                           Definition:

_____________________                    ______________________

4. Mom and Dad were trying to decide how to update the family room. They couldn’t agree on most things like what furniture to buy. Finally, after many discussions, they at least agreed on what hue they wanted the walls to be painted.

Write a synonym and a definition for the word hue

Synonym:                                           Definition:

_____________________                    ______________________

Write a word to complete the sentence.

1. Mom was getting ready for Sandy’s birthday party. “Please hand me the paper ____,” she said.


2. Jack was happy his older brother was home. “Will you take me to the ____ game?” he asked.


3. Dad picked Ali up at school. At home, he parked the car in the ____.


4. We were looking for my brother. It was easy to find him because we could hear ____ noises coming from his room.


5. We climbed the ____ to have a picnic. I liked eating my hot dog.


6. The rainbow was ____. I saw the whole thing in the sky.


7. Dad made up a story at bedtime. It was ____.


8. Joey had a hot dog at the ballgame. It was ____.


9. The pizza is ____. It is covered with tomato sauce and drippy cheese.


10. It was a gray day. It was ____ lightly.


For each sentence, write three words that could be used to complete the sentence.

1. My dress is ____. It is my favorite color.

          ______________             _____________               ______________

2. I take a nap at ____. It is the best time of day for a nap.

______________             _____________               ______________

3. The snowstorm brought a foot of snow. We are going ____.

______________             _____________               ______________

4. The cat’s fur is ____. I like the way it feels when I touch it.

______________             _____________               ______________

5. Mom and I waited a long time in the doctor’s waiting room. After a bit, we sat and read a ____.

______________             _____________               ______________

6. Bubblegum is ____. It was hard to get off of my shoe.

______________             _____________               ______________

7. I caught a ____ fish. It was heavy and almost broke my fishing pole.

          ______________             _____________               ______________

8. Making a snowman is ____. He will be tall with a happy face.

          ______________             _____________               ______________

9. I am trying a new candy for the first time. I hope it will taste ____.

          ______________             _____________               ______________

Write as many words as you can to complete the sentence.

1. Sally, Ray, and I played ____ until bedtime. I won two times.

     __________________           _________________        __________________

     __________________           _________________        __________________

     __________________           _________________        __________________

2. The ____ apple is nice to touch. It’s yummy, too!

     __________________           _________________        __________________

     __________________           _________________        __________________

     __________________           _________________        __________________

3. The bird ____ through the sky with little effort. It was beautiful to watch it fly among the clouds.

       _________________          _________________        __________________

        _________________         _________________        __________________

        _________________         _________________        __________________

4. The crowd was ____ when the elephant at the zoo sprayed them with water. They were soaked from head to toe.

_______________           _________________        __________________

_______________           _________________        __________________

_______________          _________________        __________________

For more readings

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