Pandora’s Box Story With Moral Lesson And Summary

PANDORA’S BOX STORY – The story of Pandora’s Box is often told to the young to open their imagination through the summary and moral lessons. This article is about a mythological artifact from ancient Greece; the story is still alive today.

The myth of Pandora’s box is considered to be one of the most descriptive stories among any other stories in Greek mythology. It is a good story for children of all ages since it awakens their imagination and critical thinking.

The story was originally written by the ancient Greek poet Hesiod. He wrote this story in 700 BC. It was first reported in a poem to instruct humans to follow the Gods and how to live their lives by cultivating the fields.

Pandora's Box Story With Moral Lesson And Summary
Pandora’s Box Story With Moral Lesson And Summary

Pandora’s Box

Once upon a time, in Ancient Greece, two brothers named Epimetheus and Prometheus lived. They are both kind men who helped the people in life, like creating fire. Their good works angered the king of the gods. Zeus did not want the people to know such things.
As his act of vengeance, Zeus had a beautiful lady created perfectly from clay by Hephaestus as his means of punishing the brothers. Pandora was the name of the woman. She was sent to earth and tasked to meet the brothers. Although Prometheus advised Epimetheus not to accept anything from the Gods, he was astonished by the beauty of Pandora and took her right away. She was very charismatic, and Epimetheus fell for her and married her.
The gods sent a box to Epimetheus on their wedding day. The gods sent a message along with the box, never to open it. The gods assumed that Epimetheus would be curious enough to open the box. Despite that, Pandora was trying to subdue her intrusiveness,
but in the end, she holds back anymore.
She imagined great riches were inside the box, but as soon as she opened the box, she saw nothing but moths. Pandora had let them loose, she hurriedly closed the box, but it was too late. The moths represent the awful things in the world and the illnesses the gods had hidden in the box.
Pandora told Epimetheus, her husband, everything as soon as he arrived. She then opened the box for him, and they saw a little moth left in the box, which was hope. They released it to the world. Hope indeed stayed in it due to the will of Zeus. He wanted to let the people know and suffer for them to understand that they should not disappoint their gods.
As you probably have figured by now, the expression “to open Pandora’s box” refers to letting out a good deal of unanticipated issues. To open a can of worms is a modern use of this term.

Story Analysis of Pandora’s Box

It is still worthwhile to think that hope remains in the box at the end of the story. It’s a great representation of a great myth. Despite all the evil things being released in the world, a good deal of hope is also unleashed. Hope combats everything evil.

Hesiod probably wants to pass us the message that in every struggle or inconsistency we go through, there is hope that will always keep us going. No matter how big or small these evil things are, there is always a little light of hope that keeps us burning inside.

Pandora’s Box Story Moral Lesson

  • Self-control is way better than greediness.
    • Pandora’s curiosity led her to open the box. As it happened, she released all the evil things in the world. Therefore, we should always control ourselves to the things we are forbidden to do or have. Don’t let our greediness harm others.
  • Admitting mistakes is a brave act that we must bear.
    • Pandora told everything that happened to her husband, Epimetheus, as an act of revealing her mistakes. It is heroic even though her husband would be angry about her actions.
  • Despite all the evil and storms we go through, there is always hope to make it through.
    • Life is full of challenges; in the story, all the evil things and ill are released as she opens the box. But, in the end, there is hope that was unleashed, which keeps us going.

Pandora’s Box Story Summary

Epimetheus and Prometheus, two brothers who helped the people, angered the king of the gods. As his means of punishing them, Pandora was sent to them, and Epimetheus fell for her and married her. The gods sent a box, and Pandora curiously opened the box. She saw moths, representing the awful things in the world.

She told Epimetheus, her husband, everything as soon as he arrived, and they saw a little moth left in the box, which was hope. The expression “to open Pandora’s box” refers to letting out many unsought problems.

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