How to Agree and Disagree in English using short answers

How to Agree and Disagree in English Expressions | Lesson and Exercises

In this complete tutorial for beginners’ learners are going to learn English expressions on how to use short answers in order to agree or disagree with someone and comes with exercises. You will learn the four grammar rules for the form of these short answers. There are example sentences for each grammar rule.

Before we further proceed, please watch the video here to see the actual class discussion about How to agree and disagree in English using short answers.

Here is the complete discussion of the “agree” and “disagree” English Expression with Exercises

We can use short answers to agree or disagree with someone. So, disagree is the opposite of agree, it’s when you do not agree with someone.

Person B agrees or disagrees using a short answer.


 Dan: Mike is cleaning the toilet.

Anne: Yes, he’s cleaning the toilet. (agrees – long answer) X

Anne: Yes, he is. (agrees – short answer) /

Anne: No, he isn’t cleaning the toilet. (disagrees – long answer) X

Anne: No, he isn’t. (disagrees – short answer) /

We’re now going to look at the form of these short answers.

The form of the short answer depends on the statement, and there are four different rules which are very important.

Rule 1

If the statement has an auxiliary verb,

Form of the short answer: subject + auxiliary verb

Rule 2

If the statement uses the verb “be” or “have” as a main verb,

Form of the short answer: subject + main verb (“be” or “have”)

Rule 3

If the statement is in the present simple tense:

Form of the short answer: subject + verb “do”

Rule 4

If the statement is in the past simple tense:

Form of the short answer: subject + “did”

Examples for each rule:

Rule 1

If the statement has an auxiliary verb,

Form of the short answer: subject + auxiliary verb

John: Keith was walking too fast.

Jam: Yes, he was. / No he was not.

         / No he wasn’t.

Keith: Mike has already seen that movie.

Jam: Yes, he has. / No he has not.

      / No he hasn’t.

      / No he’s not.

Rule 2 (with verb “be”)

If the statement uses the verb “be” or “have” as a main verb,

Form of the short answer: subject + main verb (“be”)

Tim: Jane is upset.

Dan: Yes, she is. / No she is not.

     / No she isn’t.

     / No she’s not.

Elvie: The dogs were hungry.

Dave: Yes, they were. / No they were not.

 / No they weren’t.

Rule 2 (with “have”)

If the statement uses the verb “be” or “have” as a main verb,

Form of the short answer: subject + main verb (“have”)

Dan: Joe has a Jaguar car.

Tom: Yes, he has. / No he has not.

       / No he hasn’t.

       / No he’s not.

Nash: Rob and Keith have a dog.

Jerry: Yes, they have. / No, they have not.

/ No, they haven’t.

/ No, they’ve not.

Rule 3

If the statement is in the present simple tense:

Form of the short answer: subject + verb “do”

Let me give you a quick revision of the verb “do”.

I do

You do

He /she / it does

We do

You do

They do

Rey: John walks to school every day.

Tom: yes, he does. / No, he does not.

      / No, he doesn’t.

Helen: I spend too much money on groceries.

Tim: Yes, you do. / No, you do not.

   / No, you don’t.

Rule 4

If the statement is in the past simple tense:

Form of the short answer: subject + “did”

This is the past simple form of “do” it’s the same for all subjects:

I did

You did

He /she / it did

We did

You did

They did

Mary: Rob went to Hongkong last year.

Sam: Yes, he did. / No, he did not.

      / No, he didn’t.

Anna: I studied for three hours yesterday.

Luke: Yes, you did. / No, you did not.

        / No, you didn’t.

 That’s the 4 rules, you’ve now seen all four rules with several examples and explanation,

I hope that helped you.

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Downloadable Material

Here’s the downloadable material of Tutorial on How to agree and disagree in English using short answers here.

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