Giving and Asking for Directions

Giving and Asking for Directions Examples and Exercises

In this full tutorial for beginners, learners are going to learn how to give and how to ask for directions in English and be familiar with important vocabulary on buildings and places in town. This asking and giving directions are essential for our daily lives and to master it I have provided examples and helpful exercises.

Subject matter: Giving and Asking for Directions

Focus Vocabulary: Buildings, places in town

Value: Be cautious

Learning Experiences

Word Drill :

Shop            cinema              school               hospital      building


Connect the word with the picture.

Teacher assists students to read the passage “Where is Peter going?” and have them write numbers next to the buildings on the map.

Peter will wake up early tomorrow, and go to the hospital where his mom works. The hospital is in the center of the city. He will go up the street, and turn left. Then, he will go to the shop which is down the street, to the right. He will buy a chocolate for his little brother. Then he will go back and turn right and take his brother from school.

Mark the statements T for true, and F for false.

  1. ____ Peter’s mother will take him to the cinema.
  2. ____ There is a swimming pool next to the school.
  3. ____ Peter will go up the street and turn left to go to the hospital.

B.Analysis and discussion

a. Discuss that when we give directions, we do not use a subject!

  Go left! You go left.

b. Giving instructions:

Also, we use: near, close to, or far from to explain where something is.

C. Asking Questions:

Excuse me, where is ….? How to get to…

Practice Giving and Asking for Directions:

Teacher reads the directions as students listen and have them fill in the blanks.

From the shop, go straight to the cinema. Cross the street and go to the school. There is a swimming pool next to the school. Walk up the street for 5 minutes, then turn left, and cross the street. You will see the hospital there. Walk for 10 minutes, cross the street and you are at the zoo.

From the shop, go straight to the _______________. Cross the _______________and go to the school. There is a swimming pool _______________to the school. Walk up the street for 5 minutes, then turn _______________, and cross the street. You will _______________the hospital there. Walk for _______________minutes, cross the street and you are at the zoo.

Additional Giving and Asking for Directions exercise:

In the classroom, rearrange the desks. One student should be blind-folded. The rest give instructions.


Look at the map again (above). Underline the correct word.

  1. There is/ isn’t a swimming pool next to the school.
  2.  The zoo is to the right/ left.
  3. There is/ isn’t a shop in town.


Have students give directions on how they go to school.

Report in class.

For more readings

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