When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows – Poem About Love

When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun He Knows The poem “When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows” is a poem by Paige Lewis. She wrote this poem as a tribute to her husband that knows her so well. The poem tells their story and a game of shadow where her husband tries to catch. “When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun” gives a fuzzy and loving mood to the readers as it tells a story of a married couple.

Love is the most potent energy that has brought humanity to peace. Love is all that binds great relationships for both men and women. It’s just an inexplicable emotion that adds color to one’s life. As a result, we hope that these examples of inspiring English poems about love would inspire and boost your hearts to love yourself and others unconditionally.

When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows - Poem About Love
When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows – Poem About Love

Continue reading to the conclusion of this post to get some inspiration from our writers. They opened their minds only to give us lovely poems about life, love, and lessons. Enjoy reading, and may these poems be of helpful to you in your life.

When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows – Poem About Love

Here is the poem about love with the title “When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows”

When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows

what I really mean. He paints my name

across the floral bed sheet and ties the bottom corners
to my ankles. Then he paints another

for himself. We walk into town and play the shadow game,
saying Oh! I’m sorry for stepping on your

shadow! and Please be careful! My shadow is caught in the wheels
of your shopping cart. It’s all very polite.

Our shadows get dirty just like anyone’s, so we take
them to the Laundromat—the one with

the 1996 Olympics themed pinball machine—
and watch our shadows warm

against each other. We bring the shadow game home
and (this is my favorite part) when we

stretch our shadows across the bed, we get so tangled
my husband grips his own wrist,

certain it’s my wrist, and kisses it.

Short poems about love for him by Paige Lewis


The speaker of this poem starts off by telling that her husband knows what she means when she says she is missing the sun. The speaker then expands this idea as she tells a story of their everyday interaction.

Her husband paints her name across the floral bedsheet and ties the corners to her ankles before painting another one for himself. The two go to town and play the shadow game where her husband apologizes to her whenever he steps on her shadow. They go to the Laundromat with the 1996 Olympics themed pinball machine where they watch their shadows against each other.

She ends the poem at their home where they still bring their shadow game and stretch their shadows across the bed. They are so tangled that his husband thought it was her wrist that he was kissing.


“When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows” is a fun and loving poem about a couple who enjoys each others company. The takeaway in this poem is enjoy and have fun with your partner. Make a way to brighten up your relationship and appreciate each other’s company.


The poem entitled When I Tell My Husband I Miss the Sun, He Knows – Poem About Love is an example of short inspirational English poems about love. This poem serves as an inspiration to love and be loved by the precious people around us.

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