Adjective of Circles

Adjective of Circles

In this session of tutorial for beginners, learners will be imaginative on discovering “Adjective Circles”. What is “Adjective Circles”?. Why “Adjective Circles” differ from other words ?. How does “Adjective Circles” affects the thought of a sentence?

In this activity, the students will be challenged to think on, as they rely on their partners to give them words to describe in a creative, non-repetitive way.

I. Objective: The student will be able to;

            1. Name an adjective that describes a noun

            2. Write the nouns and adjectives that had been said

            3.  Use the words in a sentence

II. Subject Matter: Adjective Circles

            Materials: CD player, lively music or

            Cell phone with MP3

III. Developmental Activities

            1. Have the students’ line up in two circles that face each other.

2. Explain that when the music start the inside circle will walk one way and the outside circle will walk the other way.

3. When the music stops, the students on the outer circle will name an adjective for that noun.

4. Play the music again and have them try again with another partner.

5. You can make more challenging by calling the names of a pair of students when the music stops.

6. They have three seconds to name a noun and adjective that has not been given yet.

7. If they cannot then you are out and play resumes. Continue playing until there is one pair of students left.

8. Help you and your students remember what words have been said by writing them down on the white board.

IV. Evaluation/Assessment:

            Have the students choose 5 adjectives written on the board and use them in a sentence.


I.D. ____

V. Assignment

Write five nouns that have been mentioned during the activity and an adjective that describe these nouns.

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