Contractions Grammar Lesson

Contractions Grammar Lesson

In this set of tutorial for beginners, learners will be knowledgeable about “Contractions”. What are the uses of “Contractions”. How “Contractions” use in a sentence?.

In this lesson, students will learn what contractions are and some basic rules when doing contractions; you don’t change the “first word” but do change the “second word”.

I. Objectives: at the end of the lesson the students would be able to;

1. Learn what contractions are
2. Understand that when “doing contractions,” you don’t change the “first word but do change the “second word”

3. Use contractions in a sentence

II. Subject Matter: “Contractions”

            Materials: Practice Exercises activity sheet

III. Learning Experiences

A. Pre Activity/ Warm up

1. Unfreezing song

Introduce the song explaining that the tune is sung to a song that they already know (Mary had a little lamb)

The Contraction Song (Tune: Mary had a little lamb)

 I’m the first word, don’t change me!
Don’t change me, don’t change me.
I’m the first word, don’t change me!
Please just let me be

B. Activity Proper

1. Motivation

            Say, “Does anyone know what the word contract means?” (to shorten or make smaller)

2. Presentation

Today, we will be looking at what happens when we combine two words and contract them into one smaller word. On the board write this sentence:

a. “I am the first word; do not change me.”

b.” I’m the first word; don’t change me.”

3. Discussion:

1. Read the two separate sentences you have written on the board and then read the contraction at the second sentence.

2. Ask, What did we leave out when the two words were pushed together?”(the letter a and o) What did we add in place of the letter a and o?” (an apostrophe)

3. Explain the rules of contractions by the words of the song;

            “I’m the first word; don’t change me.”

4. When you change the second word, a shorter word you’ll see. Certain letters are taken out and one word will remain.

5. Explain what an “Apostrophe” is and let students know that it’s the apostrophe which will “fill the space” (when a letter is taken out).

6. Tell them that we call these shortened words “contractions” because the one combined word uses fewer letters than the two separate words.”

7. Provide some examples on the chalkboard to give all of them the confidence that they can write them. (i.e. is not-isn’t; are not-aren’t; could not-couldn’t; would not-wouldn’t etc.)

8. Sing the song several times emphasizing to the students to listen for “the rules”

4. Practice Exercises/ Group Activity

            (see activity sheets)

5. Generalization

            1. What is contraction?

             A contraction is a combination of two words. 

In a contraction, an apostrophe (’) takes the place/ fill the space of missing letters. 

            2. What are some basic rules of contractions?

When doing contractions; you don’t change the “first word” but do change the “second word”.

Let the whole class read and then in groups then by selected students.

IV. Evaluation

Change the words in parenthesis ( ) into a contraction and write them on the lines to complete the sentences.

1._______________________ so hungry I could eat a horse. (I am)

2.I think _______________________ order a hamburger. (I will)

3.I _______________________ because they were all out of fish. (could not)

4._______________________ like some extra ketchup with my meal. (I would)

5.The cashier said _______________________give you some extra ketchup. (she will)

            6.______________________ such a nice person. (she is)

            M. L. ____

            I.D. ____

V. Assignment

            Use each contraction in a complete sentence.

            1. don’t ___________________ 4.can’t ___________________

2.  won’t ___________________5. we’ll ___________________

3.  haven’t __________________6.  he’s ___________________

VI. Remediation/ Enrichment

For slow learners’ students you can give this simple exercise.

Write the correct contraction for each set of words.

1. did not ___________________ 6.they will ___________________

2. they would ________________ 7. he would ___________________

3. were not _________________    8. has not ___________________

4. had not __________________    9.she is ___________________

5. I have ________________          10.we have ___________________

VII. Reinforcement

For higher functional students you give this additional exercise for them to work on.

 1.The contraction is made up of two words: ______________ and ______________.

The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter(s): _________

Use the word aren’t in a sentence: ________________________________________________


2. The contraction she’s is made up of two words: ______________ and ______________.

The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter(s): _________

Use the word she’s in a sentence: ________________________________________________


3. The contraction you’ll is made up of two words: ______________ and ______________.

The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter(s): _________

Use the word you’ll in a sentence: ________________________________________________


4. The contraction they’re is made up of two words: _________ and _________.

The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter(s): _________

Use the word they’re in a sentence: _______________________________________________


Practice Exercises/ Group Activity Sheets

Group Activity 1

Contraction Sentences

Directions: Underline the contraction in each sentence.

Then, write the words that each contraction stands for.

1. I don’t understand what you mean. _____________________________

2. She’ll come over tomorrow. ___________________________________

3. I could’ve gone to the football game. _____________________________

4. You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full. _________________________

5. Haven’t you seen the movie yet? _______________________________

6. I’ll be going on a plane. ______________________________________

7. Sorry, I can’t answer the phone right now. ________________________

8. I won’t be home until Thursday. ________________________________

9. She’s gone to the bank already. _________________________________

10. They weren’t in the kitchen. __________________________________

11. Billy wasn’t eating any of the cake. ____________________________

12. I’ve already cleaned the dishes. _______________________________

13. We’d better not make too much noise. __________________________

14. It’s been a gloomy day. ______________________________________

15. It’ll be a sunny day tomorrow. _________________________________

Group Activity 2

Contraction Fish Tank

Write the contractions in the fish tank. After each contraction, write the two words that it stands for.

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________

Group Activity 3

Directions: Choose the correct contraction to complete each sentence.

Circle your answer.

1. Billy __ know the correct answer.

a. does’nt                                 b. deosn’t

c. doesnt                                  d. doesn’t

2. ___ going to be out late tonight.

a. We’r                                     b. We’re

c. We’er                                   d. Were

3. Do you think __ a great athlete?

a. shese                                    b. sh’es

c. she’s                                     d. s’hes

4. I __ be able to go with you tomorrow.

a. willn’t                                  b. will’nt

c. won’t                                   d. wo’nt

5. You __ bite your nails.

a. shouldn’t                             b. should’nt

c. shoulddn’t                           d. shouldnt

6. I __ been to the store all week.

a. havent                                 b. haven’t

c. have’nt                                 d. ha’vent

7. __ it past your bedtime?

a. Is’nt                                     b. Issn’t

c. Itsn’t                                    d. Isn’t

8. Why __ I come with you?

a. can’t                                     b. ca’nt

c. c’ant                                     d. cant

9. __ still waiting for him to call.

a. i’m                                       b. Im’

c. I’m                                       d. im

10. __ been at the beach all morning.

a. Weeve                                 b. We’ve

c. We’ev                                  d. We’eve

For more readings

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