Reading Comprehension for children Exercise 5

Reading Comprehension for children Exercise 5

What do they do with their friends?

On Monday Carl goes swimming with Dave.

On Tuesday Dave plays football with Patrick.

On Wednesday Patrick does homework with Amy.

On Thursday Amy surfs the internet with Juvy.

On Friday Juvy plays Barbie dolls with Shirley.

Choose the correct answer:

1. What do Carl and David do on Monday?

                a. go swimming

                b. surf the internet

                c. do their homework

2. Who does homework?

                a. Patrick and Amy

                b. Julie and Dave

                c. Shirley and Carl

3. When do Juvy and Amy surf the internet?

                a. on Monday

                b. on Thursday

                c. on Friday

4. Who plays football with Dave?

                a. Amy

                b. Carl

                c. Patrick

5. Who plays Barbie dolls with Shirley?

                a. Carl

                b. Juvy

                c. Amy


  1. a. go swimming
  2. a. Patrick and Amy
  3. b. on Thursday
  4. c. Patrick
  5. b. Juvy

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